New Developments/Contractor's
New Developments:
Will Serve
After you have had your County Pre-Application Meeting and Concept plan meeting you will then apply for a will serve with MGSID. A will serve does not approve any plan designs, but informs the county that the district has capacity in the system for the requested ERU's. Any will serve applications need to be submitted to the district office 2 weeks prior to the board meeting. All fees including impact fees are due prior to will serve being issued.
Will Serve Application
Standby Fees
If a will serve has been approved it only lasts a year. In order to keep capacity in the system you need to apply and pay the standby fee. Just like a will serve it does not approve plan designs, but informs the county that the district has capacity in the system for the requested ERU's. If a will serve has been given, but a standby fee has not been paid you can be billed in arrears up to 5 years.
Standby Fee Application
Below is a link to fees that are associated with the district (All fees are required to be paid prior to a will serve being issued.)
Fee Table
Before beginning construction on any project the attached construction application needs to be filled out. This allows for project review, and fees associated with extending the line.
Construction Application
Will Serve
After you have had your County Pre-Application Meeting and Concept plan meeting you will then apply for a will serve with MGSID. A will serve does not approve any plan designs, but informs the county that the district has capacity in the system for the requested ERU's. Any will serve applications need to be submitted to the district office 2 weeks prior to the board meeting. All fees including impact fees are due prior to will serve being issued.
Will Serve Application
Standby Fees
If a will serve has been approved it only lasts a year. In order to keep capacity in the system you need to apply and pay the standby fee. Just like a will serve it does not approve plan designs, but informs the county that the district has capacity in the system for the requested ERU's. If a will serve has been given, but a standby fee has not been paid you can be billed in arrears up to 5 years.
Standby Fee Application
Below is a link to fees that are associated with the district (All fees are required to be paid prior to a will serve being issued.)
Fee Table
Before beginning construction on any project the attached construction application needs to be filled out. This allows for project review, and fees associated with extending the line.
Construction Application